3 Examples Of Unpaid Wages And Illegal Deductions That A Workplace Discrimination Attorney Can Help You Address

Employers are responsible for ensuring that their employees are treated fairly and paid correctly. Unfortunately, not all employers uphold this standard, and many workers are victims of wage theft or workplace discrimination. If you're facing this type of situation, you need to know that you have options. A workplace discrimination attorney can help you address these issues and get your deserved settlement. Here are three types of unpaid wages and illegal deductions your legal representative will help you address. [Read More]

FMLA: Reasons Why You May Need To Consult A Lawyer

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is something that the majority of employers must comply with as it is a federal law. Under FMLA, qualified officials are entitled to twelve full work weeks off without pay within a twelve-month period. A person can qualify for FMLA for a number of reasons, such as having a medical condition, needing to care for a family member with a medical condition, or caring for a new child after birth or adoption. [Read More]

Questions About Using The Family First Response Act For COVID-19 Leave

One of the major concerns for many employees around the country is what they can do if they or a family member get COVID-19 but still need to get paid and retain their jobs. There are several qualifying reasons as to why someone is allowed to use the act for qualified sick leave. Here are some questions you likely have about this law and how it could apply to you. [Read More]

Why A Witness Should Get A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Witness to wrongdoing may not seem like the first reason to hire a criminal lawyer. The world, however, is an odd and sometimes unfair place, even for folks who feel it's their civic duty to serve as witnesses when crimes have been committed. Here are four reasons why you should consider retaining the help of a criminal defense lawyer if you believe you are or worry you will be a witness. [Read More]